Thursday, February 29th
Séamus MacGabhann Lecture
“Antiquarians on the Hill of Uisneach
and the Threshold of Irish History
Dr Angus Mitchell
(University of Limerick)
Navan Library - 7.30pm

Wednesday, March 27th
Launch of Ríocht na Midhe 2024
By Thomas Pakenham (Patron)
followed by lecture -
“Waiting for the Light - Sunrise and
Sunset at the Boyne Valley Tombs”
Clare Tuffy
Ardboyne Hotel, Navan - 7.30pm
Reception and book fair - members
and guests - 6.30-7.30pm

Tuesday, April 23rd
Annual General Meeting
followed by lecture -
“Meath and the Crusades”
Paul Duffy and Dr Ciaran McDonnell
Trim Library - 7.15pm

Sunday, May 12th
“30 Years of The Discovery Programme at Tara ”
Dr Edel Bhreathnach, Conor Newman,
Joe Fenwick and Roseanne Schott
St Columban's College, Dalgan Park,
Navan - 3pm


Saturday, June 29th

Annual Excursion (Fully booked out.)
Kilruddery House, Avondale and Wicklow sites
Detailed programme to follow - early booking advised
Bookings: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Organiser: Fiona Ahern (087-9738763)

Saturday, July 20th
Visit to Townley Hall (Tullyallen, between Drogheda and Slane.)
A guided tour by Brendan Kiernan.
Bookings: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
10 euro admission charge
11.00am - meet at Townley Hall car park

Sunday, September 8th deferred to Sunday November 3rd @ 3 pm
Visit to monument at Sonairte (Laytown)
with guided tour by Finola O'Carroll
(Asst. Sec., M.A.H.S.)
Bookings: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Sonairte Ecology Centre, Ninch
Laytown - 3pm

Cancelled Sunday, October 13th Cancelled

George Eogan Memorial Lecture
“Revelations - the Irish Palaeolithic”
Dr Ruth Carden
(UCD School of Archaeology)
George Eogan Centre, Nobber - 3pm

Tuesday, November 12th
“Martin Cregan, artist (1788-1870)”
Frank Cogan
(Vice-President, M.A.H.S.)
Navan Library - 7.30pm

Sunday, December 8th
“Church of Ireland Architecture in Meath”
Dr Michael O'Neill
St Mary's Church of Ireland, Navan - 3pm


Contact: Tom French, Hon. Sec. – 087 4119633
Voluntary contributions are accepted at lectures and outings