"The object of the Society shall be to locate, preserve, examine, publish and illustrate the antiquities, records and traditions connected with the territory comprised within the ancient Kingdom of Meath, corresponding in the main with the modern Diocese of Meath."
Annual Subscription €25
Pay your Annual Membership here (€25).
Membership can also be paid by cheque
or postal order for €25 made out to MAHS and
posted to:David Douglas, (MAHS),
Carberry Lodge,
The Stocks,
Co. Meath,
Ireland. C15 KD822024 Ríocht na Midhe contents
- The Moynagh Lough Project: an update on post-excavation research. Michael Potterton
- Final Report on the research Excavations at Newgrange Farm Cursus 2018. Geraldine Stout, Michael Stout with others.
- Secundinus - The Lost Apostle of Ireland. Noel French
- The Kings of the Reputed Descendants of Lóegaire of Tara c. 642- 1160. Eoghan Moore
- The Borough of Newtown Trim and the road to Trim. Finola O'Carroll
- Stolen by night in 1007: A Crux in the History of the Book of Kells. Cormac Bourke
- Saint Erc's Hermitage. George Knight
- The Origins and Interconnections of Three Eighteenth Century Landowners in the Barony of Demifore, Co. Meath. Una Palcic
- Heraldic Gateways, a Fotetaste of Splendours to come. Séamus Bellew
- From obscurity to the halls of the Great: a Meath Portraitist and art administrator - Martin Cregan, PRHA (1788-1870). Frank Cogan
- From Drumconrath to Van Dieman's Land: John Donnellan Balfe (1816-80). Danny Cusack
- Some Trim Townlands, 1821-1911. Aileen Wynne
- The Life and Legacy of a Troubled Earl. Edward Henry Stuart Bligh 7th Earl of Darnley, 1851-1900. Bernard Walsh
- Having been myself a native of Meath, Máire Ní Raghallaigh (1867-1941). Larry Ward
And various book reviews and reports from the Council.
Dates for your diary:
Wednesday, March 26th
Launch of Ríocht na Midhe 2025
by Dr Geraldine Stout (Patron) - 7.30pm
followed by lecture - “It's All About the Land” - Myles Dungan.
Venue: Ardboyne Hotel, Navan
Reception and book fair -
members and guests - 6.30-7.30pm
MAHS Inquiries: Tom French, Hon. Sec. (087 4119633)
€500 Prizes for Postgraduate Research
The Meath Archaeological and Historical Society and Meath County Council Heritage Forum offer prizes of up to €500 for postgraduate research in any discipline, commencing after September 2011, devoted wholly or in significant part to any aspect of the heritage (archaeology, history, literature, etc.) of the Meath / Westmeath region.
Entries should be submitted in the form of one or more articles for publication in Ríocht na Midhe. Each entry must be vouched for by the writer's Supervisor of Research. Adjudication will be by a panel appointed by MAHS.
The most recent recipient, Aidan Gilsenan being congratulated by Séamus MacGabhann.
Entries to the Hon. Secretary. Email:
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